Warren County
"Skip the Stuff" Eliminating Single-Use Disposables from Restaurants
What will it take to move Warren County eateries and take-out places to embrace reusables? To find out what others in the movement are making happen, we are learning about laws and other policies that ban or phase out single-use disposables, especially plastics, in food service and programs that replace disposable tableware, cups, etc. with reusables.
Meanwhile, Say 'NO' to Single-Use Disposables in Restaurants!
We can each do our part to reduce single-use / disposable items when we order from our favorite eateries. Every year, billions of unused straws, utensils, napkins, condiment packets, and other accessories are included in take-out and delivery orders and just thrown away. You can help to change this!
• Use this message from Madison County, Arkansas as inspiration to ask for no utensils and single-serve
condiments when ordering take-out.
• Bring your own clean travel mug or reusable water bottle rather than using a plastic or other disposable cup.
• When eating in, be sure to ask for no straws. If the
restaurant has plastic cups and utensils for take-out
orders, be sure to tell them that you’ll be eating in and would like to use “real” cups and utensils.
• Thank the establishments and give polite suggestions via email or social media to encourage restaurants to begin or continue working toward reducing waste.
• Join Upstream Solutions in their campaign to enact
policies in local and state government that require
restaurants to “ask first” before adding all the
unnecessary stuff to your order. Click here to learn more.